A selection of my media…
Artificial Intelligence, Our Brains & Our Bodies with De-Shaine Murray and Matthew Liao
A public engagement event with the Secret Science Club, supported by the Dana Foundation in Brooklyn, NY for Brain Awareness Week 2024.
First Opinion Podcast with Torie Bosch
A recording of a podcast conversation between Torie Bosch, editor of Stat News First Opinion and myself. We talk about my op-ed for STAT News highlighting the past and present of neuroscience and hopes for the future with more inclusive practices.
NeuroRacism and Mental Health Panel
A recording of a NeuroRacism panel that took place during Black In Neuro Week 2023. In this particular panel, I hosted Dr. Brenda Gonzalez Flores and Professor AZA Allsop and took a deep dive into their work, neuroscience and mental health.
Belonging Interview - Imperial As One
A recording of a conversation between Dr. Wayne A, Mitchell and myself about my journey to and work at Imperial College London, including my commitment to outreach and public engagement.
James West Scholarship
A brief talk at the James West Scholarship Launch event detailing my experiences as a Black PhD student in the bioengineering department at Imperial College London and the need for targeted scholarships aimed at increasing the number of Black PhD students at Imperial and supporting them when they get there.
Pint of Science 2020 Show 11
Skin, Society, Science
As part of Pint of Science 2020 which was a fully online event due to the coronavirus pandemic, I hosted a special session entitled Skin, Society, Science. In this hour long show we discussed the research of Black scientists in the UK, US and Canada and emphasised that even within the label of ‘Black’ we in ourselves our diverse.
Diversifying Research Podcast
Episode 4 & 5 of the Diversifying Research Podcast from Imperial College London’s Patient Experience Research Centre (PERC). In these episodes I talk about my journey to academia, the difficulties and struggles I have overcome, navigating institutions and environments that don’t reflect me and championing the importance of outreach to ensure that the next generation of scientists don’t face the same struggles.
Black In Neuro NeuroRacism Panels
The following videos were part of #BlackInNeuroWeek & in collaboration with Neuromatch respectively. In both videos bias & racism within the neurosciences are addressed, with two expert panels hosted by myself.
Panel 1: Professor David Hodge, Dr Danielle Doyle, Tony Black, Jordan Harrod & Professor Oliver Rollins.
Panel 2: Shalina Kantaya, Dr Kafui Dzirasa & Abeba Brihane
*The Black In Neuro NeuroRacism 2 panel was hosted in collaboration with neuromatch and begins at 33:00. It is followed by the Black In Neuro Journal Club.
4th BME Early Career Researcher Conference
My talk at the 4th Annual Black & Minority Ethnic Researcher Conference. *Begins at 59.00 minutes.